15 weeks today and that little baby to the right just keeps getting skinnier... (?)
Our life right now is all.about.waiting. Waiting for lots of answers to questions like:
Are we moving to Canada?
Will Tim find a job in Cleveland?
Is the baby a boy or a girl?
What are we going to do about healthcare?
Will we have to go on welfare if Tim doesn't find a job?
Can we even afford to move?
Is the baby healthy?
Will we find the support we need?
I know all these questions will be answered in due time and that God is in control of this situation. I know that He has a plan that I can't yet see (but oh how I wish he'd let me take a peek!) I know that he is using this time of uncertainty to strengthen our faith. I know everything will somehow be ok in the end. I know that I should never rush the present into the future, since I don't know what the future holds.
I know all these things, and yet still I'm impatient for answers. My "need to know" nature is a burden at times like this. It lays itself on my chest like a great weight that causes me to have to take deep breaths and exhale slowly throughout the day to relieve the pressure.
I know all these things, but I pray that God will sustain me in the midst of all my questions and allow me the peace of mind that comes with finding contentment regardless of my circumstances.