
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Dream Come True.

We're back from the British Isles. It was a magical ten days. I've been using one of our boarding passes as a book mark and when I pulled it out this morning, it made me cry. Tears of gratefulness for the time we had as well as sorrow for all the friends I'm missing.

It would be laborious to go into great detail on all the things we managed to see and do while we were there but here are a few highlights:

Embracing at the airport
Picnicking in Windsor
Cream teas in Bath
Church on Sunday
An icecream by the river
A whirlwind tour of London
Pub lunches and so much laughter
Standing on the field of my old school
Sweet shops
Late night conversations
Incredible curry dinners
Coffee and lunch with dear old friends
Sitting in the bath in our bathing suits at the end of a long day
Scones at the Dobson's
Watching 3 Men & a Little Lady for old times sake
Country drives
 Eating as much duck, sausage and cake as I liked
Feeling beautiful at a beautiful wedding with beautiful people
Dancing my heart out in the best of company
Gorging myself on delicious food
Sitting on the floor of the Bridal Suite with my best friends
A glorious day in the Cotswolds with my parents
More cream teas
A beautiful evening dinner with my favorite people...
....dreaming of the future.

My heart is full with thanks for the gift we were given in this trip and to everyone who made it happen and provided along the way - you know who you are. Why God chose to bless us so abundantly with friends who love us so very much, I will never know. But I'll happily receive it all again and again.

What a dream come true.


  1. Absolutely amazing! Great pictures, too. I hope you make several more in depth posts about your recent trip to England.

  2. I loved hearing about your time in England - so happy you had such an amazing and lovely time. Really thankful for your best friends, Sarah and Ley - we don't all get to have friends like that, so I celebrate your kindred spirits rekindling the flame. Phenomenal pictures you took!

  3. What did Tim think of England?
