
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Reading is Good for Me.

I have read some seriously good books lately. I tend to go through spurts with reading - a lot all at once or not at all. It's been "a lot all at once" kind of summer and they're coming one straight after the other which is totally thrilling for me because I love to read.  So far this season, I've read...

While the first two are for a book club, Redeeming Love is one Tim's been encouraging me to read for years (literally) and I never took him up on it until I was faced with two 7 hour plane rides and time to kill. It has a slow start and I would have given up on it had I not already committed to lugging it around with me for the duration of our trip (it's a thick book). Anyways, it was amazing and I already know I'll read it again. It just dawned on me that all three of these books have the same theme of imprisonment/breaking free and/or prostitution. Grim, I know. But all compelling stories.

Can I just take a moment and say I could really go for a thick slice of chocolate cake right now?

Currently I'm reading this lovely little children's novel, which I picked off the book shelf at my best friend's parent's house in England ... when I was there for a wedding and waiting in line for the shower.  I was just at the part of the story where a mysterious event happens when my turn was up and I had to put it down. That is until the kindest of souls very generously gave me her copy after I shared how regretful I was not to finish the story. She just gave me her copy like it was no big deal. Um, that's a big deal. I don't just go giving away my favorite books to people I hardly know. I greedily cling to them like a little troll. And if I happen to let you borrow it, I will make sure you give it back. Except it'll never happen because I never lend books out.  (Probably because of that ONE time I lent a book to someone and never got it back. And it had a cover on it that you can't find anywhere else, and I'm really picky about the covers of books.) Well irregardless, I just got schooled on what it means to be kind and thoughtful. Hannah - you're a better woman than I'll ever be. I still stop and think to myself "That was so nice of her!"

It was a gray day today and during the boys nap I thought "what a perfect time to carry on reading" because the whole atmosphere reminded me of England, and this book is a British classic. But then I got distracted by playing with my camera, so really this is a staged shot giving you the false sense that I had a serene moment in my day, lazily reading by the window. In reality my day was filled with lots of anxiety-ridden parenting to the point where my chest started to feel tight and I didn't read at all. 

Next up - for while we're at the beach in Goderich - I've picked these three beauties. I'm pretty sure they're lighter stories and more on the romantic side which is always a good theme while lying in the sand or in a sun-soaked cottage. 

After that, who knows where my literary adventures will take me.
But I always love a good recommendation!


  1. I LOVED Escape From Camp 14! A heart breaking story with a not super happy ending. Let us know what you think of Eleanor and Park. I have heard great things about it and will be curious to see what you think. :)

  2. The Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon are my absolute favorite books. I just keep re-reading them over and over. (And I 'never' re-read books.)

    - Aunt Mar
