Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dinner & Decisions

Last night we spent another evening with the Susan Tedeschi band - sans Susan - at Tim’s aunt and uncle’s, as they stopped in Cleveland for a day on their way to Chicago. It was great to hang out with them in a relaxed environment. Everyone was going nuts over the meatballs Uncle Daniel had made, so for one brief and almost undetected moment, I tried just a small bite (I’m quite a strict vegetarian otherwise.) Having accidently eaten meat on several other occasions, I figured “why not?” and it was definitely worth it! That said, I’m still sticking with the veggies!

On the way over to their house, we also made the decision to go with the apartment in Lakewood that we looked at the other day. It’s a huge step of faith, as there are still a few things to sort out. We only did a quick walk through and I can’t remember if there are any closets (which, for some reason, is really gnawing away at my mind) or if there’s a washer or dryer downstairs....but these things are trivial at the end of the day, and renting this place will allow us to rent out the third floor space for cheap to someone in need. I’m excited to get in there and start getting it all prepared for the big move in March!!


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