Monday, November 8, 2010


I'm learning that...

  1. It's ok to let Jack cry a little when he wakes up in the middle of a nap, in hopes he'll put himself back to sleep. This works 50% of the time. We're shooting for 100%. Ok maybe 80%.
  2. Other things can wait when it comes to setting aside time to be in the Word and to think on God and to pray.
  3. My agenda often gets thrown out the window with a 5 month old in the house. This includes having a tidy house (though we try our best), getting exercise, and eating properly.
  4. There's something to be said for getting to bed by 10:30, and maybe even doing a bit of leisurely reading before going to sleep.
This list is ironic in light of the fact that as I'm writing it, I had in mind to start my workout, but Jack woke up for the second time from napping and it doesn't sound like he'll be settling down anytime soon.

1 comment:

  1. good lessons to learn! I got up at 5:45 this morning to get a work out in this morning I am trying it that way to see if I can actually keep it in my schedule because otherwise it is the first thing to get pushed out of the schedule LOL


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