Wednesday, August 11, 2010


It all began with a purple coat that I found on sale at the shoe store "Shi" for $20. The retail clerk was really friendly and helpful and all, "You look great in that coat."

I was about 5 months pregnant at the time so she was asking about that and her and Tim were comparing tattoos and yadda yadda somewhere between the purple coat and Tim buying my Sperry Top Siders a few months later she's now our best friend whenever we go in there. We'll even stop in there just to see if she's working so we can say hi.

Last time we were there we promised to bring Jack so she could see him and tonight that's just what we did. As soon as we walked in she recognized us and told another customer "Here are some of my regulars!" and then she got all excited when she saw we had Jack.

I enjoy our exchanges with our Friendly Shoe Salesperson - I'm thinking we should probably find out her name... although I think it might be Rachel. I've even been tempted to cross that "customer/sales clerk" line and say "Let's be friends outside of the store too!" cuz she's all hip and fun and young but that could be creepy and well, let's not ruin the good thing we've got going here with a total stranger.

Tonight's picture had me sweating (literally) as I scrambled to get it snapped before midnight (I did).

No. 4 - Spices

1 comment:

  1. this is my favorite so far and I want it for my kitchen lol


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